For unanswered questions, please join our Discord and submit a ticket.

How do I purchase?

Please select the amount of NFTs you would like to purchase and click the 'Purchase' button. Please send the amount of ADA to the address specified in the purchase window.

How many Runes exist?

A total of 500 Runes exist. This limited number ensures that the distribution of fees among holders is significant, enhancing the value and benefits for each Rune holder.

What is the cost of Runes?

Runes are priced at 450 ADA for those on the whitelist. For the public sale, the price is 500 ADA.

When will I start earning rewards?

You will begin to earn rewards with the release of the Expeditions pre-alpha, anticipated in Q2-Q3 of 2024. For a detailed timeline, please refer to our documentation here.

How frequently will I receive fees?

Fee distributions are made monthly directly to the wallet holding the pass. This regular distribution ensures a steady flow of rewards for our holders.

Can I buy multiple?

Yes, you can accumulate rewards by purchasing multiple Runes. However, to ensure fairness in the minting process, a maximum of 3 Runes can be purchased in a single transaction.

What are the chances of receiving an airdrop?

While we cannot legally guarantee an airdrop of DUST to pass holders, the likelihood is considered high. We encourage you to "read between the lines" for hints about our future plans.

How do I get whitelisted?

To get whitelisted, please contact us via Twitter @rotitans or join our Discord community. Being part of our community will provide you with an opportunity to obtain a whitelist spot, along with other exclusive benefits and information.

Last updated